Conversation Between MissMalice and BIG OLAF

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Holy damn, you're only 23? You seem so much older than that (that's a compliment, I think)...

    Happy Birthday!
  2. Hope you had a pleasant and safe New Years Eve/Day, Missus Malicious.
  3. Thanks for accepting, madam. You're very kind .
  4. Thanks! I'll log on and add you in a couple minutes!
  5. It's *redacted*.
  6. Thanks for letting me know! I tried searching your name but I'm not sure if I spelled it correctly. D: I tried BIG OLAF, BIGOLAF, Big Olaf, etc... Nothing came up. >.<
  7. Letting you know that I locked my room to only allow friends and team members into it. So, you're gonna have to send me a friend request through the ARKS search feature on the Visiphone if you want to use my room as a sanctuary.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7