Conversation Between MeruAmura and Nitro Vordex

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey. Where ya been?
  2. Trufax right there. ;o
  3. Yep. It good to have close friends
  4. Sounds like a good deal. ;o
  5. Me and Alex have a close relationship. I get more then cute smilies. I get a good friend.
  6. That's way more smiley than I'm used to seeing from Alex. o_O;

    Also, ohai.
  7. You deserve a-
  8. You sneaky little-

    I'll get choo. ;o
  9. This is a reply

    This is a kitty =^-^=

    This is revenge *kisses cheek and runs off*
  10. This is a visitor post.

    ^That's an empty space of code.

    And this... boredom.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10