Bro, I hope that you're doing well. Much love.
-smiles- ^__~
me misses Terror X
Terror misses you : )
hello there, hope you managed to get online with it. sorry for the delay in replying, have just got back. which group do you want to join? i'm assuming it's the Hunters Guild. if it is you have to send a PM to AlexCraig about it as he created the group and is the person that lets people join. playing online is great fun, as you will hopefully see for yourself. is it Blue Burst you're getting into?
hi TrueChaos i was hoping to join this group. i never played pso online but always wanted to and i am trying to get online now as i type this msg but i am having a bit of a trouble with the online settings. i noticed that it was an invite only group well i was hoping you could do me the favor of letting me join this group. i never played online but i have played offline for around 6 years with my best friend :} i always thought about online but it was the time where sega cancelled their servers and i just recently found out about the private servers. umm i hope to get a reply to this msg soon thanks and god bless. Terror out
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