Conversation Between Powder Keg and Delete

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Wait, 2 guys??? Uh oh....I think I made a mistake. You might want to contact the newer player (the guy you wanted to give a stack to and FM weps) because I gave him the guns thinking you were talking about one Sorry about that
  2. Actually, keep the guns.....if you can just give those 2 guys some stuff, that'd be enough.
  3. lol I don't think I would do that. I got your message though about the other items, when I see him online I'll meet up with him. Shame I can't hold that awesome 8/8 cannon but that's alright. :P
  4. Now my bro is like ill give ya 1600 ms points per stack, I'm like woooowwwwww lol. Well, if ya ever wanna make ms points, ya can manke like 7000+ now
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4