Conversation Between AlexCraig and Larian

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy holidays to you too! ^_^
  2. Happy Holidays!! =D
  3. Thank You for the Birthday wishes!! =D
  4. *Insert standard "Happy Birthday" message*
  5. Heh, thanks! I just hope it'd be something I'd like XD
  6. Let me buy you a drink if I am ever out your way then!! Huzzah! =D
  7. Thanks, dude! ^_^ I can finally drink legally!
  8. Happy Birthday!! =D
  9. Same to you, dude! ^_^ Hope ya get what ya want!
  10. Happy Holidays!! =D
  11. It's part of what I do XD
  12. Why thank you!! =D
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Eh, things have been so-so. Cold + unfrightened kids (near halloween) + arguement with ex = meh. But overall, things have been well.
  15. Hey you. Whats been going on? I haven't heard from you in awhile! Hope things are well on your end...Thanks for dropping by! =D
  16. Hey there!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16