Conversation Between Chaos Rappy and Ken & Robo

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Unless I have posted this too late, I just thought I'd say I wish you the best of luck with whatever you need to do. I do hope to play with you again sometime on PSZ or any other Phantasy Star games we both might end up playing in the future, if possible. I didn't play too many runs of PSZ with you, compared to other people, but I was glad to play with you, and it was a lot of fun.
  2. Oops, I guess I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions from now on (based on my posts on Eclipse's profile page about your rares).

    Now I wonder how many of the rares you had were obtained in trades, along with how much rares you have gotten to make these trades. I guess I can assume you had quite a lot of generous trade offers, considering that you stated that you got both of your Psycho Wands in trades.
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