Conversation Between stukasa and Libram

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay, thanks for checking/letting me know. I don't think I found anything good (except the rare mission) so hopefully I didn't lose much except EXP/MP!
  2. Wait, tried a couple times and got it to work. I'm not sure how far back it rolled, but it doesn't look like too much. You probably did lose your mission.
  3. And I'm hit with Error 071: Your data is locked due to an irregular ending process. Please try connecting again after 10 minutes.
  4. So apparently the servers were rolled back a bit. That sucks, I'm guessing my rare mission won't be there when I log in again? :/

    I can't check since I'm at work now so I don't know how far the servers were rolled back.
  5. I have your card, you have mine, we can bug each until everything works out!
  6. Aww, sorry to hear that. Well, I guess we can always party together another time!
  7. I'll probably be at work by then. That's why I'm trying to stay up. If I keep myself up tonight my body should adjust to having to stay up til 7 am tomorrow.
  8. You're going for AF huh? AF is one of my favorite classes. I guess it's the speed boost and weapon selection I like.

    I notice the PSU servers are still down. I guess we'll have to do that rare mission another time! If you're around, the next time I'll be on PSU will be Monday night around 8-9 PM PST. Hopefully the servers will be back up by then! >.>
  9. Rawr, gonna have to hurry up with Lizeht and make her the Acrofighter she's going to become.
  10. Ground Elsral?!! Wow, lucky! xD So far I have a Fire and an Ice, which are okay, but Ground is the best one.
  11. The only thing I'd miss is the 20% Thunder Rabol Orachio I got from a random Uni2 group and a 18% Earth Shide from another. I found a ground Elsral some other time, but I think that was on Friday.
  12. It's not just the rares, it's the EXP and MP! I probably did find a lot of stuff too, but rares are so common now I can't keep track of which ones.
  13. Yeah, a rollback right now would be pretty bad, but hopefully it won't come to that. Even if it did they should have data for Saturday night, so a roughly 20 hour rollback doesn't sound all that bad. Question is did you find something during that time worth keeping other than the rare mission?
  14. As long as there's no rollback I can live with a little downtime. >.>
  15. Let me know if you find anything! I still can't log into the game and my dinner's going to be ready in 10-15 mins. If the game's back online after dinner I should be back on then, if you're around I'll mail you!
  16. And the forums over there aren't working. Looks like mayhem all around.
  17. I saw someone say it could have been an automatic thing. I hear the official forums are back up, so maybe I'll go poking through there.
  18. I hope you're right. Maybe they just took the servers down to fix whatever was wrong with Uni 1 and 2. Still, you'd think they would give us some warning if they were going to do that. Like "Hello Guardians, just to let you know there will be an unscheduled maintenance in a few minutes, etc. etc."
  19. I'm just hoping someone took the servers offline and is poking around a bit. Since the official site is down also someone had to have been notified by now.
  20. Well Kairi_Li has a character named Lizonia and she said she got booted on the way to a rare mission, so...

    Grrr, that sucks! And poor Ms. Woo, almost got to do a rare mission for free and then this happens. D:
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