Conversation Between Crimson The FOmar and Emp

13 Visitor Messages

  1. How did the Tactical runs go after you came back? I was gone by that point
  2. Message me in-game and on here when you're ready then, if I'm in a mission I won't be paying attention to the forum obviously <3
  3. Im not online atm. I wont be online till later this evening.

  4. I THINK it's showing you're online here, fancy another run somewhere?
  5. Party is up.
  6. Regular S missions.
  7. If you're free I guess XD What's the plan? Challenge or some nice regular S missions?
  8. If I host, you wanna join?
  9. Its Nightz.
  10. Sorry about that! problems with the network key! I'm hovering round the party lists right now, what's your characters name?
  11. Im able to play right now. Why arent you online right now? XD
  12. Emp! You able to play right now? Xp
  13. Hey can you play online atm?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13