Conversation Between Scan_Man and Alisha

5 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL I totally forgot about that until now.
  2. sorry to hear that man. but lol ill never forget that time you said someone hung a hamburger in the hallway.
  3. Not yet. almost there though. I got screwed over by a couple schools. I was in a game design degree program at DeVry and man is that a scam. The classes are decent, but they took loans out in my name. Then another school changed their loan policy because of some new government law so I could not get money after I was finishing up. It like they added a provision saying you can't get money based on your completion rate if fell below a certain threshold. I had to drop classes because I was working and had stuff came up where I could not attend on certain days. So they said I can't get loans because of something I did years ago under the new policy that took affect in-between semesters. But I am developing a game with my dad in the mean time trying to see where that goes. That's what I been working on in the mean time. It has it's own set of challenges.
  4. thanks and yeah it has been a long time. you graduate college yet?
  5. Happy birthday! Long time!
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