Conversation Between ArmedesInf.X9000 and NDW

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey well that's kewl dude GL on that and get good grades I myself also tried demos of wow myself in the past. GL on that. And yeah i do understand the "gettin bored of PSU" i had to take vacations in PSU PS2/PC dayz but i still am a hardcore by heart....Newayz Have Fun Work Hard. That's my motto ....Just dont ever try to be a RAcast Legend, Beastman :P
  2. You're welcome for the birthday message! I've quit PSU since I have a job and about to go to college. I wouldn't have much time to play and I wouldn't be getting my money's worth (although I got rather bored of PSU, really).
  3. Hey TYVM for the birthday messages, I would be online hostin a RAcast legend B-day room if i could :P But i gotta get started and settled into a career atm to be honest w/ya But u guyz can do some runs til i can join my favorite MMO world again
  4. Happy birthday!
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