Conversation Between Wayu and Mike

54 Visitor Messages

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  1. It can but it involves having to buy a UMD version of the game and registering that code with the new account. Removing the current account from your PSP may cause PSP2 to be unplayable due to DRM too so you're in one pretty pickle.
  2. Does PSP2's online mode work if I delete the account that I bought it with?

  3. Really? Sorry about that. I don't remember it needing that info before. But since you don't have that, the only options left are make a new account or not play online.
  4. It asks for date of birth...

  5. All I can say then is try again. I don't have a PSP with me at the moment so I can't walk you through it at the moment.
  6. Wi-fi, yes.

  7. Are you connected to the internet?
  8. When I hit 'Forgot Password?', it gives me this loading screen and then nothing...

  9. I'm not sure if you need to do anything with a birthday if you try and do the forgotten password bit on the PSP. However, if the email is a non-existant email or an email that you don't have access too, then you'll probably have to make a new account.
  10. We have the email, but the password isn't saved onto the PSP, nor the birthday...we think.

  11. Well, unless you can remember that email, then you're going to have to make a new account. The email may be saved in your PSP. Try and sign in to the Playstation Network Store and see if it doesn't come up there.
  12. I don't have the random email that my dad put into the account. In fact, he forgot to write it down.

  13. *sigh*

    A new dilemma emerges. That password that updated my PSPgo wasn't the PSN any chance do you have any suggestions on what I could do to attempt to recover the PSN account?

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