Conversation Between ZeekTheSweet and Naruuchiha1313

4 Visitor Messages

  1. hey, im level 30, and beat dark falz! yay! so i got hard mode now
  2. well, im at the plant quest now, ive done the ana cutscene, and im level 25, im taking a break, because at the celestial pillar place, the ruins, i went through every room in the ruins with out thinking, and it took awhile...
  3. well, after i finished eating, i was checking a roud the forums, and i forgot.... but thanks for reminding me, im signing off psow to do it, byes
  4. noting much, i was doing the ruins quest, but now i'm eating, as i just said, im not really doing anything
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4