Conversation Between Reksanden and Enforcer MKV

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello there, Mr En.
  2. I know it wouldn't kill you to say hi to me every now and then.

    And I apologize for forcing Zeal to talk to you, rather than say things myself. You're going through your own problems. Two jobs, family, all of that. Just don't forget me, En. My dark times left me hurting inside, and I needed friends... I made it through, but I'm still recovering.

    So please, don't shut me out.
  3. We'll see.
  4. I'm..... Well, sorry to hear that all of this has been happening to you. So close to New Years, too.... Hopefully, with the new year come things'll turn around for you.
  5. Merry Christmas, En. I hope it'll be a good day for you!
  6. *poke*
  7. Why so lonely?

    Reks, roving rogue, has returned.
  8. Why, thanks for letting me know
  9. posted in the RP. ;p
  10. To answer your question; general madness and stupidity. And Xats needs to freaking work, hasn't let me get on all day. Have you tried?
  11. To help with what's going on.... The cuteness might cheer you
  12. Looking at Zeal's page, we both play Etrian Odyssey quite often. I talk about it more often, though.
  13. Meh, kinda hard to talk when not in the chat.

  14. Hey, how are you? Pretty late here, so I may not be around. :P
  15. Goooooood morn- *notices the time* Wait, i'm a few hours off. My bad! *flies away*
  16. Alright. Not doing much.
  17. SNAP INTO A SLIMJIM! And several steaks. Best wolf dinner EVER.

    Okay, mix of randomness and actual food eaten over. How are you?
  18. Heh, just read your comment. Thanks! One of my teachers told me, "You do your best when you love what you do/make"....

    Well, she said something along those lines
  19. Well, sorry for bugging everyone so much about it..... I just want to know what you think about my race. And I feel for you on the classes.... I have a choice to make about my own college, and it's not easy.
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