Hey, not bad thanks. Playing JP PSO2 at the minute and will probably stay there with a western release looking less and less likely. Hope things are well anyway!
Thanks Neith. How've things been doing on your end?
Happy birthday!
Thanks dude. Wow, I should be coming here more often. Haven't been here since, forever. ._.
Happy Birthday Shiro!
Happy birthday Shiro!
Yeah, I haven't really been on much since MAG ended to be honest. I want the Grinding Boost (so I can grind my Gao Rod and P-Wand mainly), but I want Sange too- preferably many of them so I can try for a +10 one. We'll see what happens once we get MAG back, I guess.
Hey, thanks for the add. How you doing? I'm a little pissed about the MA:G extension being delayed because I want a Sange, pretty sure you want one too.
Hey Shiro, added you- what's up?
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