Conversation Between 3---Hit---U and Vanzazikon

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks, You too.

    Haven't been on much.

    Kinda bored of PSO for this moment..
  2. Merry Christmas, Joey.
  3. Joey, I'm starting to miss your posts. Why don't you say hi to everyone in the group?
  4. O.O okay that was weird, I loaded my page and it frozed for a second, so I started to click around and i ended up in joey's page.
  5. What's up 3hitu er... I mean Joey. How long has it been, a month. So feeling lonely, don't worry pal I'll be with you.
  6. What up 3hitu, how's one of the youngest in PSOW doing? You have questions that i often ask.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6