Conversation Between rise urbanus and Mizumi323

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. u see my last msg
  2. where u at mizzy
  3. mizzz
  4. ok take it easy and i also be to busy for anything lately
  5. I'm going to be gone for a bit, lots of work to catch up on ;X hope to be back on soon! ; ;
  6. i think ill stay till US ^_-
  7. Here's what you do: Stay on JP!! I can sense the SoA treatment already...
  8. yea i dont know what to do now lol
  9. O-ho~ PSO2 announced for NA release!! ...It's a trap. Definitely.
  10. right now pso2 is
  11. yo
  12. ummmi think its this 1 and i see your a dewman in psp2i
  13. It sounds good ;3!
  14. i think it would take...another year for psp2i X_X why sega WHHHHHHYYY
  15. PSU? Nightmares? You jest... ;P and ok! ;3
  16. i really wanna do learn Japanese ...and am on psp2 alot so just send a mail...or i could pop on 360 xD...psu give me nightmeres X_X
  17. Learn some Japanese! You can then make out parts of the story ;3 And, I think you should play some PSU. Does wonders for the soul. And, one last thing, we should play PSP2 together sometime!
    I'm only LV76 though heheh...
  18. it will come out for ps3 to...just not yet....i hope ...if i did import it i would have to start all over again X_X and the story oh boy i have mix feelings about it.
  19. Oh..and, are you going to be getting PSO-2? It's PC only from what I've heard, so I'm hoping I'll be able to run it.
  20. psp2i...i love it...(kinda wanna import it)but ill wait it out. i love force on there and RAAAAANNNGERRRRSssss is alsome just need my wands and ill be good xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 37
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