Conversation Between Waki Miko Syamemaru! and Pwincess

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Meow. =^..^=
  2. Hey its P-chan! What it is little slice?
  3. Greetings once again. ^_^
  4. Because my dear, I need to get up early to go to work and make the essential morning items for the petulant masses. And by petulant masses I mean grumpy, stuck up a-hole business men and women who think they are greater than the gods themselves.
  5. >_< Why would you set your alarm clock to 5 am?!
  6. Pwincess I must admit to something. I make that same face when I look at the clock every morning when I wake up at 5 o'clock. Mainly because I know deep down in my soul of souls that I could STILL BE SLEEPING! Amish farmers are still asleep at that time what the frik?
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