Conversation Between Rika-chan and BIG OLAF

6 Visitor Messages

  1. You too
  2. Have a wonderful Christmas, Rika!

  3. I don't know what prompted the friend request, but thanks I suppose.
  4. I would say that the middle hairstyle (short twin tails) is the best one for her. The longer twin tails look too...bushy for her face, and I don't think the short ponytail hair really fits with her ear style or the cat ear accessory. That's my opinion.
  5. Ooh, I see. It looks good, haha.

    (Also, it's easier to post on the other person's profile page if you want them to see replies faster, y'know )
  6. I don't know what the hell is going on in your profile picture, but it's awesome and hilarious.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6