Conversation Between Fayorei and Selphea

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh my gah, there's dopplegangers afoot, haha. I will definitely hit you up for the open beta.
  2. Not my character :O And I ran into a Fayora too @_@
  3. Hey, you found me in PSO2! Maybe. I encountered a Cast by the name of "Selphielol" :O I was Fayorei/OrangeGamer(account name)
  4. Me too :3 Sega's really putting their hype machine into overdrive this time round lol
  5. Hey, I remember you! |D

    I've been playing Phantasy Star Portable 2. I'm really excited for PSO 2.
  6. Aww =(! It's Blyss here btw, I'm playing on PSU JP... for now :3
  7. Hello! Actually, I am not unfortunately.D: Lost contact after BB. ;-;
  8. ...

    It's YOU! :O

    Still in contact with Taxi/Kairiri/Zael?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8