Conversation Between RagolBuilt and Brave-Charm

13 Visitor Messages

  1. I do, but now I have school again.
  2. No you don't you'll be fine lol. I love working seven days a week, it's a rush for sure. Don't you like to be busy?
  3. Yes, I really need more free time these days :/
  4. Tell me about it, when it comes to work it really repetitive lol
  5. Work has been killing me, When I fall out I wake up to start over again lol
  6. I haven't talked to you in a minute, what have you been up to?
  7. Ah I see it's cool
  8. Yea i havent been on in a minute.
  9. Super later reply bro...
  10. Sup wit it?
  11. Hows Life
  12. Hmmmm what?
  13. RagolBuilt...Hmmm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13