Conversation Between Rashiid and Rath-Kun

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Not bad, that does sound fun D;
  2. You should get the Wii versions, as they have the most content (the 4th one released last Nov has over 100 songs) and you can order a drum that goes into the Wiimote so it's basically the arcade version. The drum only cost me about $30, which is good considering a Taiko no Tasujin bundle goes for over $160 ._.
  3. I have a PSP and DS version. I want an arcade version bad. if I ever get a decent job I'm totes getting one of the arcade games. haha
  4. Thanks, and Taiko no Tatsujin is my shit. I own every version except the obvious arcade versions, but just about every song on those is on a DS/PSP/Wii version.
  5. Nice signature, and now I find to see you have a Taiko picture? Jolly good show.
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