Conversation Between Mio and Fiohna

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. *dies* x_x
  2. Pfft if I where Endy I would kill you
  3. Because you crush my hopes constantly. >.>
  4. Why the tears? : O
  5. Of course you don't want to... You have Hya... ;_;
  6. I dont want to : P
  7. You couldn't? >.>
  8. Fio silly I'm kidding, I couldnt steal you from endy <3
  9. Can you say things like that, Mio? D:

    Do you mean it?
  10. Fio is mine, go away Endy : P
  11. I see you visit your page every now and then... <3 my favorite CAST in the whole wide world.
  12. It's ok thank you Fiofio : )
  13. How's your day treating you? I hope you didn't get in too much trouble last night. Didn't mean to keep you up or anything (I don't even know if I did). x_x
  14. Morning!
  15. Good morning...
  16. Night fiofio!
  17. Good night, Mio~
  18. I keep posting on the wrong board... x_x

    Anyway, I'm heading out from work now... See you when I get home, hopefully!
  19. Pm? Why PM? Public is more fun : P
  20. Can you at least PM me how I betrayed you? x_x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 61
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