Conversation Between Price Rymannt and Neith

15 Visitor Messages

  1. I played PSO, PSU and PSP1 in English. I'd rather play the Japanese versions now though; you get to play much earlier than the western versions and I can get by on them with just a basic understanding of katakana. I'm not interested in the Story Mode so I don't really need to know anymore of the language. I've been playing JP PSP2 since it released.
  2. As curious as I am have you ever considered english like on PSP in which you own?
  3. Yeah, releases next month for Japan.
  4. You mean the release from japan.
  5. Pretty good thanks, waiting on PSP2: Infinity to release for the time being so I haven't been that active lately on here.
  6. Hey how's it going, it's been a long while since the last time we talked.
  7. I don't really use one often anymore because I don't like how it looks. It is a decent sword though.
  8. Hey how's it going Neith? I got a question. Would you consider the Svaltus Sword a sort of like a strange powerful weapon to use because one, it is from a statue like machine and two, most players end up using it. So what do you think because I was thinking about using it?
  9. Not much lately; I have most of the stuff I want.
  10. So since you are viewing items what items are you really interested on?
  11. Yeah I see what you mean by using weapons with great style and all
  12. I'll use whatever looks good usually, but I do like hard hitting weapons too. If a weapon is really strong but ugly, I won't use it.
  13. So what kind of GUARDIAN you are in using weapons? Being a person in power or a person in style (because style is always my style)?
  14. Pretty good thanks, you? Thanks for the message.
  15. Hello Neith how's it going.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15