Conversation Between Jaspaller and VanHalen

13 Visitor Messages

  1. not cool
  2. Sorry I told him to do it XD.
  3. Would you like to give a nickname to CARD JASPALLER?
  4. Vanhalen's card get!
    *cue Pokemon evolution complete jingle*
  5. Tl isn't actually up at the moment, but how about Cyclonia, the newer ship? I'll be in block 1
  6. Ha alright then thats a sexy % too. Err can we meet in TL 01? LR hates me for some reason every time I go there.
  7. Hmm, I have a doublesaber with 50hit but I need that lol. I'll meet you in LR1
  8. Sure I'll get on right now to exchange cards if you want. Also if any of you have a Double Saber and have a need for a Branch of Pakupaku I got one to trade :3. Also my name on there is Doc he's a FOmar.
  9. I don't remember that lol. Oh well. We're always here to help (well at least I am) powerlevel you so let me know if you need me lol. I'm done for the night... but i can quickly get on if you wanna exchange GCs
  10. Yep I am :O!!!! I thought I gave you guys my character name. I'd join up with you guys but your all like in 100+ and I'm like 35 lol.
  11. Vanhalen :O ARE YOU ON BLUEBURST!? You should come join up with the other diadu guys for a game sometime ;o
  12. HEL YEH you can!
  13. Hey man, I'm a fan of your work! Can you send me your album please!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13