Conversation Between blace and PSO LEGEND

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  1. They don't rely on you, but still pay you? The more you say it, the more unlikely it sounds.
  2. dey dont relly on me, i call sega and ask if ders something i can do cuz online ders nothing for me to do cuz i dont gotta go to clan battles cuz dey dont need me unless dey do. my skills are just as good as a game developer so dey give me stuff and i do it and get paid.
  3. Just the likelihood of a major company needing to rely on outside sources to deal with things they should be doing is really unlikely.
  4. wat ever im not gonna arguee and dont gotta prove nothing to people who dont know nothing. just cuz u will never do it doesnt mean other people wont.
  5. Still sounds like you're making that up. I can see that they're lacking, but I still don't see them relying on outside sources to handle the problems for them.
  6. u talkin why do i still let other people hack?
    sega counts on me cuz i will do wat every dey tell me to do even if its something small not worth der time.
  7. And again, you never addressed any of the things I have brought up, you also brought on the negative aspects of others on yourself when you choose to post. You have almost always put yourself at the top of a hierarchical ladder during this conversation, with your comments saying something like "lol go ask people about me and they'll tell you that I'm the best". That isn't what I'm looking for.

    The question I imposed related to why do you let it continue if you have so much influence. You brought games and different aspects of various communities saying that you're quite renown.

    I never once said you were a fake, which is another thing you have managed to put out there, but the fact that Sega seems to rely on you greatly just sounds absolutely rubbish.

    I wanted some answers to ease my thoughts that you might be someone to rely on if anything were to happen, but that you can't even manage.

    So if you're going to continue on with your clan and such, I never once said anything about them until after you said them. So try to stay on topic.
  8. u never said a question so ur fail again, ur useing comments someone else said so u fail again, ur lack of knowlege makes u fail again. saying im immovable makes u blind cuz dats not how i am wen im playing so u fail again, wow ur just a failure in life even on da net lol. i recomend u pick up a book and read or go to sega's japanese site if u can understand cuz u will see my name alot.
  9. There you go again with your superiority. If you weren't trying to prove your skill, then why do you feel the need to bring unrelated matters that avoid the real question?

    As the person has said, you're truly an immovable wall. Stop trying to put words that I have never said and answer. You have yet to provide any real answer.
  10. i havent even got started on proving a point or showin my skills lol, i only show my skills wen im needed or if u saw me on a phantasy star den ill show u but ur to blind to see wat im tryna say, ders cluse in each word dat makes 1 sentence but ur to ignorant to see it. just cuz u dont like me doesnt mean everyone else does, i dont care if people like me cuz its only a game so u fail lol. if u think friends matter on a game den get a life seriously, i met all my clan members in real life unlike all dees other fakes. everyone dat knows me will tell u im da best and watch u feel stupid den im lmao and band u wen u tell me im right lol.
  11. As I said your lack of proper grammar and your so called skills, don't make up for anything. You're only saying that can do this and do that, but honestly you have no one to fool but yourself.

    You have nothing to show for it, nor do you have any recognition anywhere. It's a wonder how those around you can stand you. As for being butt hurt, I can understand that you feel compelled to try to make fake points. After all the one that tries to prove that they're good at stuff is usually the one that feels the pressure. Am I right?

    It's no wonder people don't really like you on these boards.
  12. yea but u know how many times i been ban on pso, over 100x and dey cant stop me. ur blindness is wat is makin u not understand da truth cuz u cant believe ders a hacker out der who cant be stop and ur tryna say im a fake lol. nobody is gettin angry mabe u are but im not, i hacked servers on pso and psp2 already but only installing some of my data in it. sony knows who i am cuz i been in tournaments in uncharted, killzone, reistance, weak call of duty and i won and im going to da vita social club again today. i took pictures with people from sony and if u think im lien google san francisco vita social club and its der. my grammer dont matter because its only da internet not like its real skool so stop being boring wit ur proper grammer on da net, loosen up and relax lol.
  13. Right right, that notoriety gave you your power and your "clan" has all the power in the world to take down a server. Unfortunately, you're missing an important detail. Sony handles the servers, not Sega, they may have some hold over it, but it is ultimately Sony the one that does the bans and whatnot. Since you're claiming to work on behalf of Sega what does that make Sony?

    Your lack of any real grammar and lack of professionalism and that you're quick to anger means you're only talking big. Everything you said has been avoiding the real issue, why incriminate yourself further by providing a false sense of bravado and claiming to be something you're clearly not?

    As I've stated before Sega does not handle the servers, they only maintain them while Sony is the one behind it. Closing accounts, bans, and service all have to go through their threshold and without their consent not possible.
  14. i live up to my name and i can be mean and stubborn sometimes but i was cleaning da bad hackers off for sega so dey dont gotta bother.
  15. unlike u im real close to sega cuz my history and like i said i started hacking on phantasy star and we tough other people den dey taught other people and so on. der is no hacker stronger or better den me cuz im da genisis, its like sayin god didnt create dis universe and just sat der. sega tried to get rid of me on pso but dey couldnt dats why if u cant beat dem join dem, i can get ban over and over again ill come back in 10 minutes cuz i cant be stop. while psn was shut down cuz da hackers hacked it me and 1st leader of [SNOW] was da only ones on adding anti-viruses all over psp2. i got my brother's psn and his money back to him. while every other hacker couldnt get on cuz dey are not da smartest hackers even my apprentice couldnt get on by himself. if annonomus couldnt stop me from gettin on is der anyone u think can stop me.
  16. Now that is a load of bull. No wonder no one takes you seriously. You think you're the sole reason for why the hacker population is low is absolutely absurd.

    If that is the case then Sega can't do anything on their own, but honestly who do you think is falling for your charade? There were already official Sega members on this board, but they need to rely on an outside source to help? Toot your own horn why don't you.
  17. xX187Xx will destroy all da servers cuz me and my clan will not bother dem, i already talked to da leader and he told me dey will start baning people again like dey did on pso wen dey were new. Dont ask me for help cuz if u want bad evil hackers to walk around baning people for no reason den its ur fault. i told sega about dis conversation we have and dey said if dey destroy da servers its not my fault. i been takin out hackers for sega cuz dey asked me on pso and dats da reason u can play any phantasy star games online.
  18. ok ima let my whole clan do watever dey want and my apprentice wont be nice to everybody cuz i said he can do wat ever he wants. i wont stop no hackers and ill bring der accounts back and watch wat will happen to all phantasy star games. im not helpin nobody and my clan not either.
  19. Whether or not you're still doing what you're doing. It doesn't feel right in the slightest.

    It may stop the influx of negative players, but nothing is keeping them from the same ever again.
  20. so u want more hackers to know dey can mess with people and start baining random legits for no reason? Da first lvl200 had japanese versions first dats how i recruited him in my clan.
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