I just checked out those pics of Shiori you took, very nice :> Exactly what I think in a PM ;o
I got Ran-Misaki'd again in SW >_> At least SW is fun to run a few times, I guess. I'm kinda hoping a Lumira / Spread will drop in our games, because I don't fancy paying 18mil+ for one... They went down to 11mil briefly, and I considered buying one, but figured they'd fall in price a bit more. I was wrong
lolz, we'll see I doubt it though >_>
o hay lul Invade more often, you *is mesmerized by profile pic*
*invades for no reason*
lulz. Anyway, I tried deleting Reiji earlier for a Fembeast...couldn't get one I liked the look of. Tried a Femcast, and I'm not sure on it. Thing is, I already have a Fembot, so I'm not sure if it seems redundant to have two (remembers Kylie's topic on this). I don't like Neith as a HU, so I'm not changing jobs with her, but I don't know if making another Caseal/sexbot is worth it. Beast facial features kinda annoy me (for some reason I barely notice them on Touka aside from the ears). Anyway, do you think 2 Caseals would be redundant? I haven't actually logged in on a new character yet, so Reiji still exists...for now.
Y'know, Badiras need to stop dropping Storm Line boards. They're good, but it's like someone kicking you in the shins everytime you realise it isn't a Psycho Wand board What's funny is, I have a few boards now, but barely any Polymer
Ugh, herd u liek Okikurods? Yes, the Kazarod failed. Edit: Just got a 2nd board in the very next Dancing Birds S2 run >_> Here's hoping this one works.
So, I solo'd 2 of the S2 missions earlier: Sakura S2 with Neith (mobs took a bit of a beating, but it wasn't too bad), and I did White Beast S2...with Terra. Took me almost an hour, I died 5 times on Alteraz (3000 damage stamps?), used 20 Trimates in Block 3 (Komazlis ¬_¬) and got one rare- a Raikasobrac board
Well, I can't see you taking long to cap XP That, and if Aya is with me getting pics, she's not in danger from Rain /me approves of Aya
o hay :3 Gib Aya plz asdhjhkl
I was gonna add last night's pics to the album here, but I think I'll keep them on Photobucket instead >_> Also wtf @ Screenshot Thread and Touka clone
ya rly, quite a lot more got added : o
ongyey Shino avatar :> ...gib Sange & Yasha :<
I just pulled out a 46% Ground Zagza o_O Clearly someone approves of my Newman trying to melee Shame I can't use a Ground Axe much in MAG though Also, Barec worked (well, it was 100% >_>). Suits Neith a lot more than I thought it would, it's perfect on her. For some lulz, I pulled a 42% Daiga too. Again.
Well, I got my Mirei Portrait today while running through Story. If you do want a Mikunas Set (whenever the hell we get The Clothier), it's not hard to get. Just S-Rank the trial in the second part of 'Will of Light' in B or A rank. I did it fine with Terra, so for you it should be cake. Bought a Mimic Doll though, I have no luck at getting them from synths. All I need now is the Tear of Light, but I haven't seen any drop in Hakura for ages..(and I'm not paying 150k for one)
Yeah :3 Thanks again for letting me play last night. Touka with Chuei= teh secks lulz
Hey- billing server is fixed, but: http://boards2.sega.com/psu_board/viewtopic.php?t=84177 This is affecting me at the moment, since my subscription is meant to renew tomorrow. So uh...I won't be online when you wake up, at least not on PSU anyway :/ According to what Edward posted in that link though, I should be able to get online again tomorrow (for me). Subscription doesn't renew until midnight for me, so yeah..
Yeah, I'm calling h4x on anyone with a Repca- it doesn't exist yet, I'm sure of it Also, if Rain stalks Aya, can I get dibs on Touka? D: lulz
Time for something depressing. I just rounded up my runs in Hive, and figure I've done around 400 runs, according to what I've logged (might be out by a couple of runs.). I knew I'd found a lot, but not THIS much. [B] Crimson: 4 [B] Viper: 8 [B] Gizaha-zashi: 5 [B] Gudda Skela: 1 [B] Gaozoran Rod: 1 Gaozoran Rod (Material): 7 [B] Carriguiruc: 1 [B] Ank Dedda: 0 [B] Blackheart: 4 [B] Ank Zagza: 7 [B] Cubo Tuma: 8 [B] Tesbra: 6 [B] Dulk-senba: 6 Poison / Resist: 17 Dulk Fakis Cor: 25 Agito Edge: 17 [B] Agito Repca: 0 42 monsters per solo run (ive killed more because of 3-person runs and DS/SEED Awakened runs), and 402 runs= 16,884 monsters killed. Kinda depressing that after all that I still don't have what I set out to find Somebody restrain me, before I start running TD S2 in my sleep. In fact, I'd be tempted to say that I might've run Hive more than anyone else on PC/PS2 now >_> I sense epic fail
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