Conversation Between Wayu and TenebriS

6 Visitor Messages

  1. oh sure, nice offer, i thank you very much
  2. That was supposed to say "no probs". xD


    Jokes aside, if you ever need help with those contests again, lemme know.

  3. okay, imma keep it save here O:

    i make sure it gets no harm
  4. 絵hのpろbs

    Oops. The above was when I forgot to stop typing in Japanese, but it's funny so I'll leave it there.

  5. Sorry, I got no name so I went by the username :P
  6. Errr.

    Wayu by Wayu? xD

    Character name is セリザワ. xD

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6