Conversation Between red1228 and Alnet

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Eh, not much. It's about time for lunch, so I shall be logging off soon. And hopefully by the time I'm done, the mail will be here. I'm expecting some things~
  2. Whats up?
  3. *fires twin guns in slow-mo, John Woo style*
  4. NO U

    *gets dambarta'do*
  6. ...BOO!
  7. I shall be on! Class this evening was ok. I need to take the edge off.

    Btw, thanks for the Bajura~
  8. Hey, HEY HEY!!!
    I have something for juu. Getting online tonight?

  9. [img]LOLSPACE[/img]
    Remove the "LOLSPACE" to continue.
  10. Computer -> Local Disk -> Sega -> Data
  11. Yeah... I already know about the two websites with the directions. My problem is, I cannot locate the "DATA" file. I check my SEGA file and all I get is "BACKUP" (which has nothing in it), "LOG", and "SCREENSHOT". Neither Arika's nor Mina's directions exactly tell me where to locate this "DATA" file :<
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12