Conversation Between ARChan and Broken_L_button

401 Visitor Messages

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  1. Blargh. Forgot that Steam is mean unless you pay for content. Thus, you'll have to send that invite. My name on Steam is BloodLipidBinding. Yes. Long, epic, and barely pronounceable.
  2. Let's hope so.
  3. And it will be with good news, of course
  4. Thanks, BLB. I'll come around again, sometime.
  5. I see. Best of luck to you then.

    As long as you manage to succeed in your plans over there, that's all good with me. Give it your all!
  6. Sounds fun = w=

    Anyway, I'm about to head out for the move now, if you were reading the TGZ posts.

    So... yeah. You take care, okay? I'm not going to be online as much as I have been recently. I loved talking to you. So... y'know... Just as you know, I'm most likely not going to be "me," if you know what I mean. I just wish I can remember you for as long as I could back then...
  7. It's not, seriously. Try going through 3 final exams while having not slept for 2 weeks. It's ridiculous.

    And yes, of course they'll bomb you with projects. Just tackle them 1 at a time. If you get stuck, work on another and then come back later.
  8. Ehehe... Umm... Sleep is overrated?

    But really. All the quarter-end projects and the sort is just too numerous...
  9. Only thing that comes to mind for that would be to plan and set aside strict, dedicated time slots for studying and hobbies. Could help in keeping yourself focused.

    That's probably all that work and stress getting to you. You're not neglecting your sleep I hope?
  10. Well... Particularly the need to interact with something electronical or a person.

    Lately, I've been feeling all down and shit. I just have this bad feeling...
  11. Is it something in particular that distract you or does your attention just jump to random stuff when you're studying/planning to study?
  12. BLB... My biggest problem is me. I just keep getting distracted. If I don't get distracted, I become distracted. I keep finding myself lingering on a non-productive situation. Aoi has been spacing herself away from me but I keep wanting to hang out with her. I just don't know... I think I should have had all the gaming and the such out of my system before nursing started...
  13. Of course it's hard to keep a cool head. I'm sure sometimes you'll end up waking up at night being unable to sleep because you're scared of how that exam you just did turned out. But the important part is to get through it.

    You'll probably find yourself wishing you had time to sleep actually XD. But anyways, just do your best to keep your eyes on what your goal is and shut out everything else.
  14. Yeah... I wish it was that easy. Really, it's a guaranteed kick. I just want to fix the repurcussions, but level-headedness is hard. I keep finding myself wanting to revert back to being that emo bitch in middle school... I don't want that. Really, I want to be a nurse, but there are too many temptations... I wish I could just lose myself into my studies until it's all done. I wish I don't have to sleep until it's all done. Mrmm...
  15. Just remember to put on your sunglasses and keep a cool-headed attitude. I'm sure it'll work out.
  16. It be bitching. Lots of fun with trying to find out how to undo the bitching >.<
  17. I'd say I'm doing okay. Despite the final exams approaching there's not much else happening that I could consider bad. Still plenty of time to study too. And you? How's life treating you?
  18. How're you? :3
  19. I can't speak if you keep shaking me around like that ;_;

  20. Why're you so quiet!? >w<
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