Conversation Between Alucard V and Naruuchiha1313

12 Visitor Messages

  1. XD I'mposting a surprise attack on the colonel in my album, it's kinda funny
  2. ah, I see, but i'm enjoying messing around with a colonel sanders statue and has len kaamine hair! I'm alos messing with the screenshot feature, wierd screen shots involving my character accidently grabbing the colonel's area when try to figure out which emotes are which......
  3. Got psp2i demo! level 3 newman hunter!
  4. yeah i found all the miku codes, but i dont got the money to buy psp2 right now... *sigh*.... i will get it by the end of the year though, maybe sooner
  5. i gotz a charger! yay! but as soon as i started playing, i found something bit my laptop charger... just great... at least implaying psp2 demo now
  6. if you mean a new charger, no, but my cousin, who lives walking distance from my home, has a old psp, maybe i can ask if he still has his charger, if he can find it, he hasn't used his psp in years
  7. ill check death note out someday, i have sen a lot of ppl talk about it
  8. thanks for the info, i dont really care about the voice, but thanks anyway, and on the anime stuff, ive never seen death note, is it good?
  9. if you meant an anime, maybe, justa few polishes here and there, and make it more actiony, like make the fighting scenes more important and longer, and the lovey dovey tone a bit down
  10. oh, my friend was into twilight, i would make fun of him since it's REALLY girly, and a thirteen year old guy and twilight don't fit right, and about the charger, yeah it sucks, but i'm gonna get a new one, just got to be more careful where I put it from now on
  11. wait, alucard volturi? my friend from school likes to have the name Ivo Volturi on the internet.....
  12. thank you for the welcome!

    I added you on PS0, just letting you know
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12