Conversation Between Rehal and Shirai

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Th-thank you D:
  2. Pirate Rehal!
  3. It's a wild one? omg, it was good timing then. I like it a lot with your screen xD

    I don't want to name drop, but she's a sneaky cat girl that has a name on here that starts with the name Rei and ends with u!

    sorry about the stuff on your profile, btw. wish it'd be taken somewhere else ;_;
  4. Wow, that's rude aya.
    I'm nice in person if you actually get to know me. I don't try to be cute.

    Anyways, Hi Rehal! You're entry is cute. I was curious about that rappy in the back though, was it a random rappy or your mag? o:

    and thank you for the compliment. ;; ...Kidnapping me may be hard since you'll have to kidnap me from someone else!D:
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