Conversation Between ArmedesInf.X9000 and Reikoku na kuma

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Phantasy Star portable eh? Thats cool...Portable seems to be the only thing manageable for me at the moment..Segac should hook it up for another biggie though...that's wut i think? Newayz keep on having fun
  2. Japanese version of Phantasy star Portable 2 infinity mostly
  3. Once again similar message out in JP, serving my country...And u beta had gotten rly good for you to say "Married to the best <3 *P" Like Armedes be hella impressed for a dramatic return good...cuz Armedes is the best all time no other namne has made its mark in PSU history as that one A classic PSU legend inb the annals of gamer history :P Wut u been playin now a days.
  4. XD hahah. well I am married to da best now =p. Good to hear from ya.
  5. Hey Kuma, been busy in Navy boot camp, just got a hold of a computer to add you today....And since Im happy about being able to get on a computer atm I'll resist the urge to comment about this "Married to the best <3" :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5