Conversation Between Chrysheight and Stealthcmc1974

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was having a hard time in area 3 remembering "Yo, you're not cap collector anymore." But I still managed to not screw up. XD
  2. It felt better, thats for sure. EXP is still decent
  3. How'd you feel about switching? Was it easier? No?
  4. Yeah. We got to the end of 5 this morning. People kept dying and not paying attention.
  5. You definitely need a team mentality to make it through it. Otherwise you'd die of boredom.
    But hey, challenge miles...
  6. Dude, so I had to play you this morning. Being capsule collector is boring as fuck. Needs rotation per area.
  7. Pretty much
  8. Halo is the only good thing IMO on the XBOX platform
  9. Those are so lame though! PC master race. XD I couldn't stand my 360. Do want ps3 for all the jrpgs though.
  10. More like I'm just not of the Nintendo clan. I own plenty of XBOX and PlayStation stuff too :P
  11. PC master race. Lol.
  12. Yup. I lack Nintendo systems.
  13. Pretty much how he is in the video. XD Gosh, all the references and you've never played Animal Crossing?
  14. Completely lost on me. Never played
  15. You'll live. It's just Animal Crossing. Also, I use Tom Nook. :3
  16. Also mildly disturbing.
  17. It's great isn't it?
  18. Um... well then...
  19. Blood? That's tacky...
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