Conversation Between Rei-San and AIDA

2 Visitor Messages

  1. The item names ARE server bound, but it modifies them on the client side. It's loaded in a way that makes it "cooperate" with GG as opposed to "hiding from it". It's undetectable, and even if SEGA found a way to detect it by changing something, it would only crash or give a GG error. You would not get banned.
  2. Hello AIDA, im sorry to bother you about this but i just wanna make use of something by asking you directly.

    So you have the item tranlator thing working finally, YAY! I've been wanting this for so long.

    But i've read/heard that since the item names are server bound rather than program bound. Sega is alot more likely to detect this and run the risk of a ban more than the normal patch since they can easily find you.

    Is this true or is it the same as the normal patch? I'm just wondering. I'm sorry if I mis-read something or didn't read something somewhere, i just wanna make sure.
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