Conversation Between Powder Keg and milka

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday Milkaaaa!! How've you been?
  2. I will be on tonight <3
  3. We should all get together at some point and take pictures before the servers go down. :3
  4. no prob I still <3 you
  5. Sorry we didn't play milka I got caught up in other time I see you on we'll play promise! <3
  6. D:

    I will be back on march.. im on Brazil Carnaval n_n
  7. milky where aaaarreee youuuu? I miss you D:
  8. I would too.. but, I cant, I payd the 6months. :/
  9. Cancelled my sub. :/
  10. I'm losing control!
  11. Some#★thing%◎is&◇wrong$!
  12. now tropic thunder is a movie you have to see.....just saw it and it was hilarious!
  13. lol, I saw that earlier today and was rolling
  14. terrible.. mummy sucked hard!!!
  15. mummy sucked didn't it!?
  16. lol wat was that?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18