Conversation Between -Aurora- and CelestialBlade

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Once I figure out how jp works I'll redue rora...thanks good to be back
  2. Rora, welcome back New Aurora is significantly scarier than old Aurora...
  3. Aww Well not like I can really blame you.
  4. well let me re-phrase....Can Rora perm quit PSU?
  5. ONLY if Rora ends up like me and keeps saying they're going to quit, but only ever ends up quitting for a month XD
  6. Can Rora quit PSU yet????
  7. :O The dreaded poke combo!
  8. ~pokes pokes and kamikaze pokes!!!
  9. D:

  10. Super Kamikaze POKES!
  11. It's okay XD *is old*
  12. gah...i also missed ur bday!!!!
  13. *om nom nom* Toooooo late ^_^
  14. >_>
    *steals cookies* :O!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14