Conversation Between LinkKD and Meji

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Well yeah, I could tell by your leve of pro-ness!

    do you work with it though, or it's only a hobbie? I wanted to grow on photographing too =w=. here, it's not on your level, but you can check it out if you want xP
  2. Haha, thanks for the positive feedback! <3
    And you can tell? Yeah, I actually do take a lot of photos IRL, which is why I find it so fun to do in PSO2 as well. Although nowadays I'm pretty lazy, only taking photos of my figurines. orz
  3. Just wanted to tell you that after looking through your whole PSO2 album in Flickr I'm mesmerized Meji =w= your pics are amazing, keep that up.

    Also, thanks for my pics XD, the resolution is so high, and the pose is so good that it feels almost as if someone gave me a drawing of Link, haha.

    Do you happen to be an event photographer irl too? o-o your pics, selection and arrange feel so professional @-@.
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