Conversation Between fay and TrueChaos

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  1. it was a bit of a bitch working that much. my hours have now dropped a bit which is nice. it is a Cineworld, is that what you're at? went to see My Sister's Keeper today, it was really good. planning on seeing G Force 3D with some friends on Monday.

    sucks they haven't unbanned you. kinda don't blame you for not wanting to start all over again, it is a bit of a time sucker.

    what uni was it you're going to?
  2. 54 hours! Daaaaaaaaaaamn!!!!
    Least you got that job. Congrats. What cinema is it? Cineworld?

    No they still haven't unbanned me. I just gave up trying now. I don't even check to see if I got unbanned anymore. Actually i'll think i'll check after I post this but that will be my last time if i'm still banned. I refuse to start again. I put hours and hours into it :/

    Things ain't bad I guess. Same as you. Just been working away. Need the money for my holiday. Can't wait for the summer to be over though. That means I get to start uni.
  3. hey, sorry for the late reply. been working a LOT at the cinema. worked 54 hours (not including unpaid breaks) this week, started last Tuesday and tomorrow will by my first day off. got my university graduation ceremony which will be great fun.
    have they unbanned you yet? they should have done by now, it's been long enough.

    aside from that, hows things?
  4. Yeah I can see why they done it as well. It
    To be honest If I can't get unbanned I probably won't start again. I spent too long getting to where I am already.
    My goal for ages was to use that Glide Divine you gave me. I finally got close to using it too.

    They said the innocent ones will be unbanned but thats been over a week now. I don't really wanna bug the admins anymore lol
  5. ah shame but at least you'll still be friends.

    it'll be good. hoping to get a job in a school or something from September so this will do nicely for the time being.

    that's a hit of a stupid reason for banning you. can see the logic but you didn't have anything to do with them. hope you can get unbanned. if you can't will you start again from scratch?
  6. Kinda found out she doesn't like me in that way so i'm not gonna ask her :/

    I'm 21 just now. Yeah you will probably get people around you're age.

    I just found out why i'm still banned can't believe it. One day someone sent me an invite to a team. I have no idea what these teams are by the way. I just accepted for the hell of it. It seems this team has been doing a lot of cheating so thus I got banned also even though I have never spoke to or played with anyone from this team before :/
  7. if she says yes then awesome.

    i got the job, i start on Monday but they ay not be able to give me the hours i need so we'll see how it goes when i go in tomorrow to give them ID and stuff. i'm 23 so most people there will probably be around the same age. how old are you?

    i can go online, was just on. maybe it's something to do with your laptop. check the server forums, there may be something on there that can help
  8. Yea the place sounds good. True that but I suppose if she says yes then thats everything sorted lol.

    Yeah aren't you about the same age as me. Where I am most people are about 16-22 so it goes down well. Need to let me know how it goes if you get it or not.

    On a PSO note. Can you get online with it. I'm still getting that stupid banned message. I'm ready to give up on playing it if it doesn't stop soon.
  9. Mayorka (or however it's spelled) is really nice, went there a couple of times when i was little. you'll have a great time, even if you don't dance in the clubs. hope things go well when you ask that girl out, let me know how things go. if she's a true friend she won't let things become awkward. good luck.
    you DO work in a cinema, i remember now. the novelty will wear off but as long as the people are awesome it makes things so much better. should hear in the next couple of days if i got the job. getting to see films for free is such a great perk.
  10. I really have no idea how to spell the place were off too. Mayorka or something like that.
    I should be good with 8 of us going. Only thing is that at night time when we hit the clubs i'm gonna feel really awkward. All the rest of them dance and I plainly refuse to dance. I simply don't enjoy it. Other than that I make an arse of myself.
    One of the girls going I actually really really like. I plan on asking her out before we go but if she says no then it's gonna be even more awkward again

    Hey Cineworld. I work in a cinema too. Showcase Cinemas. Its actually boring as fuck but to be fair the people I work with are the best people I have ever known in my life. I think you might enjoy it. I get too see 2 films a week for free as well
  11. oooh nice, what part of Spain will you go to? with a group of you going it'll be a blast, did the same a couple of years ago, went to Alacante with some uni friends. was such a good holiday.

    there were some good bands playing at the festival. think it's over now though, but i heard it's an annual thing.

    hmm, that is a bit weird. another friend had been randomly banned but it turned out to be a server problem. as long as you can now sign in and play it's all good.

    on another note,i have left uni. back home in Weymouth now, had a job interview yesterday in the local Cineworld so if i get the job i'll be working in a cinema, geting paid for it AND get free cinema entry plus other perks. if not, i have some other stuff in the works.
  12. I will be getting a holiday I think. Me another another 8 people from work are gonna go to Spain in September

    Hmm I haven't heard of that thing in Poland. Sounds interesting though. I'll have a little look into it.

    I spoke to LEE about the banning just before you said that actually lol. Turns out that my account wasn't banned and either was my IP address. There should technically be nothing wrong with it. Must have been a glitch at the time. To make it worse I think LEE thinks I was wasting his time as he logged on as me just fine :/
  13. 21st birthdays are only fun if you know people going or don't mind getting VERY drunk to make getting to know people easier but then you have hangover to contend with. me no like hangovers, i'd frankly rather not drink.

    maybe you need a holiday, not just get out of the house, get out of the country all together. there's a festival in Poland in a couple of days, some of my friends are going. 70 hours of gaming a week down to a couple? that's a bit of a drop, there is definitely something not right.

    that vid was...weird but clever. i could hazard a guess at what was really going on but the way they changed it was funny.

    as for the banning, if accounts are inactive for a certain amount if time they close them so that. of you PM a GM (Lee would be good a good bet) he may be able to re-open it.
  14. I am not happy.
    Somehow it is saying that my account has been banned on BB.
    I don't understand i'v never done anything like glitching or even tried anything. I actually have no idea why I got banned
  15. Chances are I wouldn't know them anyway lol. Glasgow is big place.

    I'm not bad I guess. Been bored for ages. I could have cured the boredom by going to a 21st party today but I decided not to go. I don't really know the person or anyone that was going >_<.

    I think i'm getting fed up with everything lately. I can't be bothered browsing the PC anymore, I can't really be bothered with games or anything now.
    All I wanna do these days is get out of the house. I used to do over 70 hours a week gaming. Now i'm lucky if I hit a couple.

    Watch this lol
  16. wow, i was just little bit out, then :/ on of my house mates is from Glasgow. i won't do the whole 'do you know them' thing mainly because she know lives in Bambury. i'm not allowed to stalk you? well there goes my weekend plans!
    BB is being REALLY mean, not had any decent rare drops or ANY rare enemies for about over a week. the game hates me. hows things with you?
  17. Yup sure am. Quite a bit further up though. Scotland. To be more precise its just out side of Glasgow.
    No trying to stalk me now (lol)
  18. yay, you'll remember me. got a few ideas lined up so hope you can put them to good use

    the kids in the class i helped out in would pretty much do whatever i asked, which came in very handy when it came to tidying up. the teacher would ask me to tidy something, i would ask a child to do it and they would gladly take on the job. makes life SO much easier. i did get on with the kids very well which did help...most of the time. had the odd child that wouldn't listen but i don't mind, keeps things interesting. before i go on a rant about the class i was in, i'll change the, i thnk you said you were from somewhere in the UK, (Kent comes to mind but not sure if that's accurate...may be making it up...dunno) where abouts you from?
  19. Course ill remember lol.

    Teaching would do my nut in as I hate kids. I don't think it would be to bad as long as you can get along with them though. If you can get a laugh with them then you can probably get them to do whats needed =]
  20. i'll start writing down some ideas though if you become rich and famous due to one f my game ideas, remember me

    had the 'is this degree really worth it' thought many times. given what we are going into the answer is probably 'no'. £20,000 of student loans to pay back, no job and little chance of getting one. yay!

    i was going to be a primary school teacher but my course made me delve into other options of education and i realized that mainstream education wasn't for me. DEFINITELY see how kids can do your nut in, had a few...'lively' kids in a class i used to help out at. fun times.
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