Conversation Between TheBlackMage and XxGoregrinderxX

8 Visitor Messages

  1. You as well my friend.
  2. Happy new Year.
    Here in Germany
  3. Anytime, feel free to post anything you find useful as well.
  4. Thank you for the Tricks.
    They really helped me.
  5. My ranger is only lvl.45 so far but hopefully these tips might help:

    -Use Seraphim Fluge as your SUV, it heals, raises the dead, removes debuffs, and buffs. combine that with the Wild Blast ability and your teammates will love you.

    -Shooting in 1st person mode does more damage with both regular shots and charge shots.

    -Carry at least 1 melee weapon to get mobs off you if you get ganked. For example I carry a sword with tornado break.

    -Try to avoid Tenora Works armors, while they have great DEF they also have horrible MIND and casts have a low enough MIND as it is. It might be beneficial to use a Tenora Works armor in the beginning but once you start getting into casting mobs you might wanna switch.

    -Try to find an AoE weapon like a shotgun or grenade launcher with confuse as a special effect, self explanitory.

    -Stock up on moons, rangers die less than any other class usually.

    I don't thinks there is anything else at the moment other than the usual common knowledge. I'll continue to update you with tips if I find anything else useful.
  6. Have you got any Tricks for me?
    I am new at a Cast Ranger.
    I have played as a Hunter.
  7. I'm playing a Cast ranger at the moment.
  8. Are you playing with a Cast or Human in PSP:2?
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