Conversation Between Jyasupa and Jaqlou Swig KING

171 Visitor Messages

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  1. Climb da pipe
    To da train.
    Or you'll go insane.
    wut wut
  2. AHA

  4. It's been a week of butthurt but I've finally seen the light.
  5. *twerqs away*
  6. Will u be my

    Babby dee? *.*
  7. Pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix pix PIX
  8. got da beret XD
    see friend partner XD
  9. EKUZO
  10. I finished the episode and decided otherwise.

    You were only SPoce Dondy when he was talking about phatties.
  11. Lol, whys that?
  12. First 2 minutes of space dandy literally

    you are space dandy.
  13. np netime imouto
  14. thx i no
  15. cute butt
  16. Congratulations!!
    Gurl you need a new hobby forreal lmao. >____>

    And these drinks ain't for me. They're for drunk people to accidentally slap off the table.
  17. and das okay I drank a milkshake on a freezing day

    "freezing" being 40 degrees not even cold

    I wanted to instigate
    but shaquiqui doesn't even remember gigawuts
    and I remembered he's too passive to instigate

  19. It's 11 F and I'm makin ice cold drinks. Idgaf about e-drama cold as fuck Lmfao
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 171
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