Conversation Between Tetsaru and SakuraJr

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, how's it going? I'm excited about PSO2 as well! Rumor is, there's supposed to be some new info about it in April, so I'm waiting for that.
  2. Tetsaru!!!!!!! I miss you so much D:. Have you heard news of PSO2? So excited!
  3. Lol, it's ok, I don't come here that much myself either. If you've got Yahoo, AIM, or MSN, feel free to message me there sometime - my ID's should be in my profile somewhere. :3
  4. Hey Tet! Sorry I haven't checked the psoworld forums in a while. I'm pretty good and how about you? PSU is gone but that just means something better will happen haha
  5. Hey, it's been a while! How are you?
  6. Hiyas tetsaru n_n glad you added me :3 maybe we could party sometime
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6