Conversation Between Crimson The FOmar and NDW

6 Visitor Messages

  1. *incoming friend request accepted*

  2. Yeah, I appreciate the community around here. <3
  3. Oh it's appreciated

    I lurked a while here before I joined, and don't laugh at this but everyone on these forums seem a lot more friendly as well as more highbrow/intellectual!

    I'm a regular player of Spore and THEIR forums are just spammed the heck out of constantly, as well as just generally not being as much of a community.
  4. The majority of the 784 visitor messages I have are probably filled with thank you messages. And to think I've been welcoming new members and wishing people happy birthday for a little over 2.5 years.

    Also, you're welcome! (^.^)d
  5. Your wall IS full of Thanks XD So heres another one Thanks for the Happy Birthday
  6. Happy birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6