Conversation Between Not Crazed and BIG OLAF

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Figure it out.
  2. which mission is best for getting bt frags?
  3. Couldn't tell you, sorry. I haven't gotten my Edel weapons yet, and I don't really plan to.
  4. Heyy olaf !
    I was just wondering if it is possible to do the story missions which give the edel stuff without being 180 and a FM?
    Thanks in advance
    Not Crazed
  5. Almost. You can keep track of the kill count using the official GAR website:
  6. is the shape of evolution thing out yet?
  7. Yes, they are.
  8. are female casts good GM/FM?
  9. Depends on how fast you and your party can run the mission. But, I'd say probably.
  10. could i find one in like 2 hours ?
  11. They aren't really common, but they aren't that hard to get.
  12. Hey BIG OLAF! Sorry to keep bothering you but do you know if photon flueges are common on SS/r?
    thanks in advance
  13. I don't think so. It's just a joke people are making.
  14. So are all the weapons we get on friday/thursday gonna look liek weps we already have ? :O
  15. That set-up is fine. Just remember that CASTs and Beasts make good Fighmasters and Gunmasters! (yes, Beasts can be good gunners!)
  16. So should i make my CAST a FM instead fo GM? He's already GM but my beast is Fm soo
  17. CASTs are also the best gunners. CASTs do a lot of things good, but sometimes Beasts are better.
  18. But i thought Casts were the best gunners? Maybe i might have to make my cast a FM Thats another whole lot of egg thieves :O
  19. Fighmasters aren't "better" than Fortefighter, or vice-versa. They both have different areas of expertise.

    As for which race is best, I would say that, yes, Beasts are the best Fortefighters. CASTs would probably be the best Fighmasters.
  20. Are Fighmasters better than Fortefighters? And vice versa. Plus are beasts best at
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