Conversation Between CrimsomWolf and SStrikerR

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks man. It's been good.
  2. Happy Birthday man!

    Here, have some traditional cookies
  3. You too man
  4. Happy Christmas boi.
  5. I've actually thought about freshman from my school, but yes, you did cross my mind when I've written that
  6. "First, you bitch about somebody's else language, while you yourself were breaking its grammar rules.
    Now you're bitching that somebody pointed that out.

    Grow up. I could, so can you.

    Seriously, I know 14 year-old kids that are more reasonable than you."

    Me, right? RIGHT!?

    Too bad I only posted in that topic once.
  7. Merry Christmas!

    Bring in more !!!
  8. Here, a gift I bring.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8