Conversation Between Knifedera and SamTehLulz

19 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm On PSZ Right Now, If You Can Play :3
  2. I MIGHT be able to play today.
  3. Sorry, I've been pretty busy lately. :c
  4. Will/Can You Play PSZ With me Right now?
  5. So, Your Favorite Is SCP-106, Also Known As Radical Larry. The One That Walks Through Matter And Sends You To His Pocket Dimension If He Touches You?
    My Favorite Is SCP-049
  6. Made A Room
  7. Still There? xp
  8. Sorry, I wasn't online at the time you had sent your message, but I can play now if you like.
  9. Hallo Can You Play Atm?
  10. You Host The Room, I'm On My Newest Character And She Doesn't Have Every Area Unlocked ^-^;
  11. *Waiting Online*
  12. Sure!
  13. Added
    Wanna Get A Really Quick Round In With Me?
  14. Sorry. It creepishly changed again. It seems it's sticking with this one, so it's also the one I have on my profile. Friend Code: 2452 5364 5980
  15. The Friend Code You Gave Me Doesn't Exist... Did You Mistype It?
  16. K, Thanks For Letting Me Know
  17. Sorry, I got a message that said the device's Wi-Fi Settings did not match the ones on the Game Card, and it changed my friend code. My new code is: 1980 0743 3034
  18. My Friend Code Can Be Found On My Profile
  19. Welcome To The Chato Guild!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19