Conversation Between Ezodagrom and Shambertin

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay.
  2. I redid my character i am FOnewearl lv13 same character name.
  3. game still in maintenance? i got the maint error code :O
  4. i think im in 24
  5. im in the game my ign is Silmeria i dont know what block im in
  6. Half way through update
  7. Yes.
  8. o gosh gonna take awhile then? :O
  9. Yeah, it's updating. Since it's the first time for you, it's an huge update. x-x;
  10. i think its updating now a box with 3 bars is on my screen and the downloading number is increasing [towards the bottom right]
  11. Okay.
  12. hey hey im installing now
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12