Conversation Between Crimson The FOmar and Srike Hunter

13 Visitor Messages

  1. dude big notice, i cant sign on 2 my psn so i cant play online. BTW i'm doing this on psp lol.
  2. dude do u think, not that i no, that psp2i release for the US/EU verison will be postponed and released for the new psp that's coming out in the end of the year, cause that maybe the reason y there is no US/EU release yet.

    that maybe the reason why there is no new games for the psp, like the games already released in jap, for example MHP3 and psp2i, there is a shot that they're planning new game releases when PSP NGP(aka psp2) comes out.(this is just hunch, a very good hunch).
  3. thx 4 letting me no, bow i'll try 2 get my psn back up then get bacl 2 playing online again.
    i wont be able 2 be on pso between July 5 to 21 on Mondays through Thursday and if i do get back my psn, then i'll be online on psp2 only during the afternoon. ty very much for the info. Btw did u got my friends request?
  4. I'm not aware that it requires any version, when you get internet access you can update the firmware through your psp anyway
  5. thx but do u no weather psn requires 5.5 or 6.0? if 6.0, then i may not be able 2 play online for a while until i updated my psp.=(
    i believe there's a good shot of it coming 2 the US/EU sometime the end of this year or begining of next year, remember how long it took 4 the US/EU verison of psp2 took 2 come after JAP release.
  6. It's no problem! and hmm, you'll be online 1 to 5 pm pacific time? It's 7 hours behind us, so that would be 8pm to midnight for me, which is generally when I play anyway!

    And no sorry, it hasn't been confirmed at all that PSP2i is even coming to the USA/Europe, let alone when it'll be released!
  7. srry but last thing 2 ask, do u no when PSP2i gonna be released for U.S. version?
  8. btw this profile name was supposed to be named after my psp2 character, Striker not Srike missed the t and r by acciedent lol.
  9. srry 4got 2 say this but i'm on pso world at around 1 to 5 in the moring pacific time but i get on psp2 everyday.
  10. even though if i cant go back 2 online on psp2, still wanna be friends?
  11. dude i dont remember if psn requires 5.5 or 6.0 if its above 5.5 then maybe i cant.
    if i do get back on eventually look for an all black male cast ranger name Striker around lvl 100 or a female human name Kelly lvl 59 in a blk guardain uniform.
    my psp is 5.5 gen D, cant get psn from there because i may start a new one. plus i dont had any clue of how to get a little wing license because my firend did it for me and he's out of town.
  12. Heya! Yeah, I had a break of a few months, but I'm online all the time now!

    Help you with getting your password, or help you online? If you get online, look out for a female Cast, dressed all in red, called Catherine What level are you?
  13. hi from a mem of cast supermacy. dude do u go online on psp2? if i u do then ill find u after findin out watz my psn password again. if u can help then plz send a message.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13