Conversation Between hyperacute and Neith

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey diZ, figured I'd drop you a message on here. How are things? Obviously haven't really seen you since PSU and posts on the AB boards. You upto much these days? The closing of PC/PS2 makes it a bit harder for everyone to stay in touch, unfortunately. We're all having to use Xfire now that the glorified chatroom servers are down

    I'm playing JP PSP2 at the moment- I'm surprised US/EU haven't had a release date yet, but I can read katakana fine and use guides for some of the kanji so I can play it really easily (outside of understanding Story Mode). There's an absolute boatload of PSO stuff on it- I'm actually hunting Zanba at the moment (no idea if it's male only still, guess I'll find out). I've got a sword that's basically PSP's version of SJS, and at Lv150 I'll be hunting S&Y again Even the final boss' first name is Olga.. Great game though, and I wish PSU was more like it, it even has C-MOOD! I guess I'll be online again for whatever the next Phantasy Star is, but I can't say I'm too hopeful for a decent game at this point. Anyway, let me know how you're doing.
  2. Aha, was wondering if you'd login and check your profile
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