Conversation Between DamonKatu and Rei-San

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I just have regular XBL. Can I still add you?

    You can look at my XBL profile to see what games I have, but I dont have L4D or TF2, but I DO want them though.
  2. Uh oh, hey Ray! whats up. Back from summer job!

    My free pass on my Xbox Live went out so I decided to go to steam instead. If you have it for PC, It's Kafie141. Look for Damon. Plus I don't pay on games like L4D and TF2. (you can get the Orange for for dirt cheep by now BtW)
  3. Heya, remember me? We talked before.

    Anyway, I noticed that you had xbox live. I finally got a 360 after all these years, you wanna add each other? ...Well maybe not now, My 360 got the E74 error and one red light. But I mean when I get it working again.

    My gamer tag is in my sig.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3