Conversation Between Zer0_Knight and NDW

17 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. yeah. It looks like it's really really good. Alot of people said the 1st one sucked or wasn't that good...but the second looks great. And I heard you can go online, from what I read from amazon..but it comes out in sept..I want it noww..
  3. Now PSP2 is EXCELLENT from what I've heard.
  4. ahhh..i heard that there were a lot of spammers and what not..i also heard that there was what was it..lag i think? Idk, but at some point i hope to try another PS game though..maybe me PSP2? XP
  5. While I played, there were a lot of scammers, booters and freeloaders. The population wasn't too well during non-event periods. I didn't like the graphical slowdown from things like high level TECHNICs and maps from certain areas.
  6. really? Why's that?
  7. For me, PSU was fun for a while. But, right now, I think the only way to enjoy PSU to the fullest is to play on the JP servers.
  8. oooh..was PSU fun? i heard alot of bad things for it..but if i could i would still try it! i also heard BB is good too..but this comp fails so i cant play it..;-;
  9. That's okay, I first started out on PSU in the Phantasy Star series. Then, I played PSO:BB after that.
  10. no..i dont >_> psz is my first ever PS game..>_<"
  11. You... don't know what a Delsaber is? One of the most awesome PSO enemies ever?

  12. wtf is a Delsaber? >_> you better not be lying..
  13. I had a present for you, but a Delsaber stole it. :<
  14. now where's mah present? >_>
  15. You're welcome!
  16. :3 thanks a lot! \(^_^)/
  17. Happy birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17